Economy & Economic Development  October 20, 2017

Unemployment rates in region change little in September

DENVER — The unemployment rates in Boulder and Larimer counties remained below 2 percent for September, and they held steady in Weld and Broomfield counties from month to month, according to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s monthly jobs report released Friday.

Rates in Boulder and Larimer counties were at 1.9 percent for September, holding steady in Boulder County compared with August, and up one-tenth of a percentage point from month to month in Larimer County.

The unemployment rate in Broomfield County crept up one-tenth of a percentage point to 2.2 percent in September compared with 2.1 percent in August. In Weld County, the rate held steady from month to month at 2.1 percent.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In Boulder, 188,226 people held jobs while 3,720 were looking for work, according to the report. Larimer County had 197,288 people working with 3,822 seeking work. Weld County had 155,035 people employed with 3,302 seeking a job, and Broomfield County had 37,720 workers and 843 people looking for a job.

According to the survey of households, the unemployment rate in Colorado increased one-tenth of a percentage point from August to September to 2.5 percent. The number of people actively participating in the labor force increased 18,700 over the month to 3,010,600, and the number of people reporting themselves as employed increased 14,800 to 2,934,100, causing the number of unemployed to increase by 4,000.

The national unemployment rate decreased two-tenths of a percentage point in September to 4.2 percent.


DENVER — The unemployment rates in Boulder and Larimer counties remained below 2 percent for September, and they held steady in Weld and Broomfield counties from month to month, according to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s monthly jobs report released Friday.

Rates in Boulder and Larimer counties were at 1.9 percent for September, holding steady in Boulder County compared with August, and up one-tenth of a percentage point from month to month in Larimer County.

The unemployment rate in Broomfield County crept up one-tenth of a percentage point to 2.2 percent in September compared…

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