CHEROKEE COUNTY, S.C. (WSPA) – Four trucks that were destined for the scrap yard now have a new lease on life.

Josh Mauldin is helping to train a new generation of mechanical technicians at Spartanburg Community College.

“Demand for technicians has grown over the last 20 years, there is a 15-year age gap between the youngest experienced tech and the new techs that are coming in. So, with that big gap they’re leaving the field and the new ones coming in need the experience to get up to speed to take their place,” Mauldin said.

To give students hands-on training, Mauldin connected with Benore Logistic Systems, an Upstate trucking company.

“A program called WrenchWay is set up so that businesses and schools can connect online,” Mauldin explained. “I messaged [Benore] saying we started a new program looking for some materials.”

Luckily, Benore had 4 trucks that were being replaced.

“We got some electric trucks we are bringing on board and we had to take out some higher emission trucks out of the system,” said Mike McDonald with Benore Logistics.

“We started talking about these trucks ready sitting there to be decommissioned and kind of made a connection like, ‘Hey, we’re getting rid of these,’ ‘Hey, we need these,'” Mauldin said.

What was meant for the salvage yard will now have a long road ahead at SCC’s Diesel Power and Emerging Technology Program.

“Really, what this is is an investment in our community and our program and our students’ futures,” Mauldin added. “We can tear [the trucks] apart and I can say this is what it’s going to look like when you see it, so let’s take a look at it in the classroom, so when you go out in the field you’re going to be able to say, ‘Hey, I’ve seen this and I know what to do.'”

Mauldin said that these trucks will serve students at SCC for at least the next 20 years.

As part of a Diesel Emissions Reductions Act Grant, these trucks were replaced with zero emission trucks by Benore and were decommissioned by cutting the frames and putting a three inch hole in the engine block by SCC.