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Experience the Pain, Power, & Beauty of Childbirth Through These Award-Winning Birth Photos


When childbirth moved from the home to the hospital, we lost more than just the natural home-birth experience so many are trying to reclaim. As a society, we collectively stopped learning what the process of labor and delivery look like, now that it’s no longer happening in the room or hut next door. Our culture doesn’t always appreciate beautiful, transformational work that brings babies into the world. But maybe — just maybe! — getting an inside look through birth photography could change that.

Birth photography has become an art form so in-demand that there’s an International Association of Professional Birth Photographers, with a robust membership of talented photogs. Each year they release their Birth Photography Competition winners, and the results are nothing short of stunning. This year marks the organization’s 15th competition.

These photos capture intimate, miraculous moments that show how strong and awe-inspiring birthing people have always been, and continue to be. Whether you’ve experienced childbirth or not, you will be amazed at how powerful these photos are, and the gravity of these profound moments that change birthing parents forever — both physically and emotionally.

The 2025 winners are part of the slideshow ahead, along with other stunning images captured by extremely talented birth photographers. And because there’s so much childbirth photography can teach people about the utter beauty of birth, whether it happens drug-free in a bathtub or while medicated in operating room during a cesarean section, we’re also including photos SheKnows has previously gathered, along with some great quotes from the photographers who took them.

“Birth photography is such an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to mothers processing their birth stories,” Lauren Jolly, a birth photographer in Winston-Salem, NC, tells SheKnows. “I think my favorite part of my job is delivering a gallery of images to a mom so they can see their strength, support, and love — it’s magical to be able to see that in photo form. I also love being able to share birth, in all its forms, with the world.” Why? Because “normalizing birth for women in our society is so important,” Jolly adds.

Please note: The following images show childbirth in all of its beautiful, messy glory. If you are uncomfortable seeing all parts of the female anatomy, do not click through.

A version of this story was originally published in June 2019.

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