Vienna demonstration voices concerns over privatization of U.S. Postal Service
- Protestors wave their signs to show their support for the U.S. Postal Service on Sunday afternoon on Grand Central Avenue in Vienna. (Photo by Gwen Sour)
- Protestors line Grand Central Avenue in Vienna to show their support for the U.S. Postal Service on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Gwen Sour)

Protestors wave their signs to show their support for the U.S. Postal Service on Sunday afternoon on Grand Central Avenue in Vienna. (Photo by Gwen Sour)
VIENNA – A wave of protests swept across the nation as postal workers and their supporters gathered to voice their concerns over the potential privatization of the U.S. Postal Service.
One of these protests took place on Grand Central Avenue in Vienna where about 100 demonstrators gathered to make their voices heard. Among them was Steve Taylor, director of education for the West Virginia State Association of Letter Carriers Steve Taylor.
Taylor emphasized the gravity of the situation.
“They’re talking about privatizing us and putting us back under the Department of Commerce,” Taylor said.”What they want to do is take away our collective bargaining rights, which means we would have to go before Congress just to get a pay raise.”
Currently, Postal Service employees negotiate their wages and benefits through collective bargaining, a right they have held since a historic postal strike in 1970. Taylor underscored the importance of these negotiations in maintaining fair labor practices.

Protestors line Grand Central Avenue in Vienna to show their support for the U.S. Postal Service on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Gwen Sour)
“We want to continue the six-day delivery service,” he said. “We deliver to rural areas where private companies may only want to deliver once or twice a week. People in these areas depend on us for their mail, packages, and even their medication.”
The potential downsizing of postal employees and the selling off of the most profitable sectors of the Postal Service are among the chief concerns expressed by protesters. Taylor highlighted many Americans may not realize: the Postal Service operates independently without taxpayer funding.
“We are the only government entity that actually supports itself,” he said. “Our revenue comes from postage stamps, PO boxes, and other services. Unlike other government agencies, we don’t rely on tax dollars.”
Another major issue raised during the demonstration was the affordability of services from the Postal Service. At a time when inflation has driven prices higher across industries, the Postal Service continues to provide a cost-effective mailing solution, Taylor said.
“A stamp costs 73 cents,” Taylor said. “Now, where can you buy anything for 73 cents? Nowhere.”
Beyond the economic concerns, the human connection provided by mail carriers was also emphasized. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, postal workers continued delivering essential goods, including COVID-19 test kits and prescription medications.
“Sometimes, we’re the only human contact that some people have,” Taylor said. “They meet us at the door, and we become part of their extended family. We want to continue doing that for the American people.”
Also among the protestors were federal workers, many of whom asked to remain anonymous. Their general consensus was a fear for their job safety and what other departments would face in the region and the country.
Alex Westover, a Parkersburg resident, echoed the concerns shared by several federal employees.
“First it’s Public Debt, Fiscal Services, now it’s the post office. Are they going to go after public schools next?” Westover said.”Where is the line going to be drawn?”
With privatization efforts looming, postal workers and their advocates are calling on citizens to support their cause and help preserve the longstanding institution that has been an integral part of American society since Benjamin Franklin was appointed postmaster general in 1775.
Gwen Sour can be reached at