
Wellsville BOE approves multiple employment contracts

WELLSVILLE — School board members Monday approved multiple employments.

Contracts were approved for James Tsilimos for varsity head football coach for three years: Sherry Allen for varsity head volleyball and elementary coach for two years; John Stoakes for golf coach for two years and Dustin Lane for seventh- through 12th-grade math teacher for one year.

Contract renewals were approved for Amber Brown for administrative assistant to the superintendent and treasurer for three years; Aliana Kilpatrick for gifted, federal programs and curriculum director for three years; Abigail Wright, part-time payables clerk for three years; Maia Amato, school treasurer/CFO, for three years and Malissa King, school psychologist for three years.

Other approvals include Kelly Daniels as Daw Elementary assistant cook and Kristi Bayer as Daw Elementary head cook.

Additional approvals for coaches included Bobbie Ann Theiss, high school assistant volleyball; Lexi Wright, high school assistant volleyball volunteer; Breann Napierkowski, football jr. high cheer; James Thirtyacre, high school assistant football; Jesse Jackson, high school assistant football; Derrick Suggs, high school assistant football; Mike Bess, high school assistant football; Joe Lucas, high school assistant football volunteer; Tom Redman, summer physical fitness; Troy Carter, jr. high football; Caden Weekley, jr. high football; Megan Ross, football high school cheer; Greg Pullie, high school track assistant volunteer and David Thompson, high school softball.

During the new business portion of the meeting the board members approved the following donations: Daw Principal’s Fund from Care and Share $200; Daw Principal’s Fund from First Baptist Church $472; Garfield Principal’s Fund from Covenant Presbyterian Church $170 and Jr Class Donation from Carr -B-Q $250.

They also approved the following field trips: Ebony and Ivory to Wesbanco Arena and Wheeling Nailers Game on April 4; Daw Choir to Duquense University and Kennywood on May 22; HS/Jr High Student Council to PNC Park for Education Day May 21; HS Art to Mattress Factory and Contemporary Art Museum on April 21 and the After Prom at Extreme Air, April 11-12.


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